VIVERIS is an engineering and consulting group that supports companies and their products in their digital transformation. It has 800 employees working across 10 branches in France; they are passionate and 100% committed to the success of their projects.
From sensors to business information systems, VIVERIS is keen to let its clients benefit from an array of diverse expertise. VIVERIS operates in many sectors of activity such as the automotive industry, energy, transport, health, aeronautics, etc.
For more information : VIVERIS

What drives REOREV is its passion for the mechanical engineering industry, performance and innovation. Its desire to develop increasingly reliable and increasingly advanced expertise. Its will to construct, within the Pays de la Loire region, a stable, creative and successful company for its employees and its clients, an Industry 4.0 pioneer.
For 31 years, through their involvement along the entire value chain, 250 employees have risen to the challenges of technicity, innovation, quality, productivity, costs and deadlines. They have a holistic and multi-disciplinary approach, one that is constantly enriched.
For more information : REOREV
Founded in 1991, ECAM Rennes is a general engineering school created by and for companies. It is the brainchild of 4 industrial engineers, who recognized a vital need for a higher education establishment that would cater to the needs of the industry. The full name of the school, ECAM Rennes Louis de Broglie, is a tribute to the 1929 Nobel laureate in Physics. As a motto, the 4 founders chose ‘La science au service de l’Homme’ (‘science in the service of mankind’) to underscore their objective: to offer an education firmly rooted in a humanist approach to the acquisition of technical excellence through skills and project-based learning.
Since its creation, ECAM Rennes has consistently shaped the training and activities offered at the school to respond to real-world industrial needs. The course catalogue and programs are updated to reflect changes in the job market and there is a heavy emphasis on pedagogical development and innovation.
For more information : ECAM

The Campus E.S.P.R.I.T. Industries – (‘Enseignement Supérieur Professionnalisation Recherche Innovation Technologies’ or ‘Higher Education Professionalisation Research Innovation Technologies’) is a public establishment, closely connected to companies and territories, that was conceived in 2013 and aims to offer work-linked training from Bac +3 to Bac +5 levels in professions with high employment potential.
Within the Campus, the École supérieure de logistique industrielle (ESLI) (College of Industrial Logistics) offers excellent training courses in supply chain management, logistics and purchasing, in initial and continuing education.
The options at the Campus E.S.P.R.I.T. Industries focus particularly on industry and aim to train students in professions that combine technical skills and management sciences. The students undergo work-linked training either through apprenticeship contracts, professionalisation contracts or alternating placements in the areas of purchasing, logistics, supply chain and technological professions in electronics, mechatronics and robotics or energy management, electricity and sustainable development.
For more information : Campus E.S.P.R.I.T Redon
ClairVivre is based in the Dordogne region, where its Plateforme Formation & Orientation (training and orientation platform) welcomes, supports and trains people with or without disabilities within three structures:
- Établissement et Service de Pré-Orientation (ESPO) (pre-orientation establishment and department);
- Établissement et Service de Réadaptation Professionnelle (ESRP) (occupational rehabilitation establishment and department);
- Centre de Formation Continue (CF2C). (continuing education centre)
Through a variety of mechanisms, each individual may follow an orientation and professional training pathway that customised to suit their life project.
For more information : ClairVivre