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Meet our ambassadors
Joey Rehm
Scheduling Technician
I think that the notion of value is paramount in a company. When the opportunity to become an Ambassador arose at Cofidur EMS, I saw it as a way of personally contributing to the implementation and development of the company’s values. My role consists of conveying our 4 Values on a daily basis, passing them on, giving them meaning, ensuring that everyone is able to share them and identify with them in their own way.
Eric Pujo-Sausset
IT Technician
My work consists of looking at what it is possible to improve in users’ daily IT life. This role as an Ambassador also lets me see what it is possible to improve in users’ daily life, “full stop”. So, don’t hesitate to contact “Eric in IT” if you have ANY questions at all!
David Lesourd
I wanted to become an ambassador to contribute to the evolution of the company, address the everyday questions that naturally arise for the employees who join us, and also assist them in their integration within the teams. It's a positive mindset that I want to transmit through Cofidur EMS's human values.